
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Last of the resolutions

Look who came round to my flat to play this weekend - two of the little guys from Aranzi Aronzo's "The cute book". These slightly mischievous friends came to help me with my third and last new years resolution -

#3 - to make at least one item out of each of the craft books (and magazines) that I currently own.

Last year I went on a little bit of a spending spree when it came to craft books (in my defense there were published some truly irresistible new books) and looking at my lovely shelf with them all on I am ashamed to say that I've only made a couple of items out of all of them!

So last week I had a fun hour having another good look at some of the lovely projects that they contain and I've marked up a few potential projects that I will be sure to start making.

Just a quick note about "The cute book", lovely though the little toys are, be warned! They are incredibly fiddly to make, all the cutting and gluing and tiny sewing will take a good long time and may well try your patience. I love how mine turned out but it will be a while before I make any more.

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