After almost two months of starting my first hyperbolic crochet coral form at the workshop in the Southbank centre I am slightly ashamed to say that I haven't done nearly as much hyperbolic crochet as I had planned. I did finish off two forms which will hopefully make it in time for the first main submission deadline

The red coral on the right here is my favorite - the lovely soft yarn that I got to use from the workshop is a deeper colour than shown in this photo and really does look very pretty. I also think the combination of large loose curves and small tight curves works well and adds interest to the piece.

The workshop did fire me up to try crocheting with plastic - and the quick demonstration of how to cut the bags to make the yarn was really helpful. I dissected about 10 orange Sainsbury's bags to make the coral on the left, and then I trimmed the whole thing with 3 Wing Yip bags. Crocheting with plastic yarn is hard going though, and all the cutting up bags pretty much used up the enthusiasm that I had. Hopefully now I've had a good break I'll be trying some other forms and get a few more submissions in before the exhibition goes live on 10th June.
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