The old looking frame in the photo on the left is actually an old cupboard front that we found whilst clearing out our loft after moving into our new home last year. Most of the stuff in the loft was junk, and the cupboard that this frame came from was also in pieces so everything but this went to the tip. I hung on to this frame though as I had a vague idea about turning it into a pin board, and now almost a year later I have finally done this.
After a good amount of sanding and then a few coats of a nice silky blue paint I had a frame to mount a piece of cork board into. I'm also hoping to alter some drawing pins by adding a little wooden ladybird to each which I've had in my stash for, oh only about 15 years! This pin board can then be hung in my little one's room where I can keep an eye on all the baby related events that are coming up and not forget about them like I usually do.
As well as getting coated in blue paint I've also been reading through another craft book from the Library:

ISBN: 978-1845972158
This has got to be the most beautiful and inspiring book of craft ideas to make for children. The photos within it are just gorgeous and Caroline has obviously gone to some effort to find all the treasures that are shown.
The book shows handcrafted toys and blankets which the author has made herself as well as many items that she has borrowed from the homes where they are treasured. Using these as inspiration she gives instructions and ideas for items that you can make for the special little one in your life, some nice and simple and other projects with a bit more time and effort needed.
The main idea behind the book seems to be that giving a little one a beautiful item that you have made for them to love and cherish will mean much more to them than an item bought and only played with for 5 minutes. There is also the idea that beautiful things should be shared with children so that they can remember them as part of their childhood and perhaps even pass them on to their own children one day.
This really is a lovely book - I've spent weeks gazing at the photos in it and even though I can borrow it when I like from the Library I think I'm going to have to add it to my list of books to buy.
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