
Monday, January 2, 2012

Wishes for the New Year

Happy New Year fellow crafters! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a fantastic New Year.

We've spent the last few days here at Tea Towers tidying away Christmas decorations and getting a few odd jobs done round the house. Our son's room is finally how we want it with pictures up on the wall and all his toys unpacked and currently arranged neatly about the room. We have also been trying to get more of our family photos printed out and framed so our new house is finally feeling like home.

With the extra kick of starting the New Year well I also want to do some tidying around my blog. This year I would love to be able to make more use of my free time and do a lot more crafting so hopefully I'll have more to share with you all. These are a few of my blog related New Years resolutions:

  • Make at least one Christmas tree decoration each month (so that I'll have a good stash of them in time for Christmas 2012)
  • Try and write about a different craft each month 
  • Do more book reviews - I have lots that I want to write reviews for... just trying to find the time to test projects from each of them
  • Dust off the sewing machine and start using it regularly.
That list should keep me out of mischeif for this year - what are all of your craft resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. thats a good list, your right it will keep you busy!
